The primary mission of the Janz Vander Veer Research Center/Library is to support the Museum's Education, Exhibit and Restoration programs. In addition, it serves as a resource to the general public for historical and technical aeroscience related information.
The Library contents are made up of a broad collection of books, brochures, photographs, technical manuals, periodicals, scrapbooks, artwork and audiovisual items. It's content is particularly strong in the Pioneer, World War I, "Golden Era" and World War II periods (1910 - 1950).
The Research Library is the largest aviation library in New York State thanks in part to generous donors like Attil Pasquini who donated over 2100 photographs that can be searched using our PastPerfect software database. Other Collections include the Frank Coffyn Collection which was a gift from the estate of Kingsland Adams Coffyn by the Green family to the Empire State Aerosciences Museum. The collection contains about 200 photos of Wright Flyers aircraft taken by Frank who worked for the Wright Brothers. As well as the Rick Allen Collection which has added many books and a large amount of research materials to the Library catalog.
*At ESAM's Annual Dinner on October 12, 2010, the Empire State Aerosciences Museum's Research Center/Library was named the Jansz Vander Veer Research Center in honor of Jack Vander Veer for his long and dedicated service to ESAM.

Friday and Saturday from 9 AM to 12 Noon
Arrangements for research may be made by contacting the Library office:
(518) 377-2191, ext 20.