ESAM’s December 9th Christmas is in the Air Program was a rollicking success. Santa arrived to a large group of excited children and parents. Crafts and food were abundant,. Activities, such as the flight simulator, were available. And the Candy bomber story was enjoyed by many.
Kaylee Gillespie deserves the museum’s great thanks for coordinating this event. She had the support of a wonderful group of volunteers: Sue Gillespie (Bake Sale & Crafts), Donna Esposito (Floater), Lynn Chevalier (Camera), Pat Barrot (Camera), Ian Thompson (Candy Bomber Story), Jack Fox (Candy Bomber Story), Larry McArthur (Candy Bomber Story), John Kolwaite (Crafts), Linda Sheridan (Crafts), Marv Weiss (Crafts), Gary B Davis (Floater), Bud Matthews (Floater), Kevin Millington (Floater), Bob Vasko (Floater), Maria Esposito (Gift Shop), Sarah Jean Adams (Kitchen), Deb Beranek (Kitchen), Joyce Newkirk (Kitchen), Ronnie Quinn (Kitchen), Dorie McArthur (Kitchen), Michael Collins (Santa), John Panoski (Santa's Announcer), Cody Maggs (Santa's police escort), Ron Brack (Santa's Pilot), Bob Newkirk (Security), Paul Gillespie (Security), Tom Walkowicz (Security), Dave Tripp (Security), Gary Gershon (Simulator), Isaiah Gershon (Simulator), Zach Bixler (SRV).
ESAM also thanks the following businesses that supported the event: Market 32, Hannaford, LakeSide Farms, Buhrmaster, Marcella's, Slice of Glenville, Beneventos and Wal-Mart.