The Empire State Aerosciences Museum
Address: 250 Rudy Chase Drive,
Glenville, NY 12302
Phone: (518) 377-2191
Office: Ext. 10
Gift Shop: Ext. 19
Library: Ext. 20
Restoration: Ext. 23
Fax: (518)377-1959
Office Hours: 9 AM to 2PM Tuesday - Friday
Museum Hours (between Labor Day and Father’s Day)
10 AM to 4 PM Friday - Sunday
Museum Hours (between Father’s Day and Labor Day)
10 AM to 4 PM Tuesday - Sunday
Office Manager: Chad Conti
Chief Operating Officer: Joyce M. Newkirk
Board of Trustees
President: Dan Wilson
1st Vice President: Rich Bievenue
2nd Vice President: Alfonzo DiBlasio
Treasurer: Joyce Newkirk
Secretary: Tim Burke
If you wish to contact a member of the Board please email us at
ESAM Department Heads
Admissions/Gift Shop Supervisor: Patti Southworth
AeroNotes Newsletter: Larry McArthur, Editor
Commemorative Brick Project: Louis Bach
Curatorial and Acquisitions Committee:
Education: Kevin Millington
Exhibits: John Kolwaite
Jansz Vander Veer Research Center: Maury York
Restoration: Rich Bievenue
If you wish to contact a Department Head please email us at: